Laarven januari 2013 - EN

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Laarven is a small pond near the Cartierheide an Hapertse Heide on the way from Eersel to Postel Abbey in the south close to the Belgium border.

In the second weekend of  januari 2013 it was freezed over and looking fabulous with a thin layer of ice in the sunlight.

This serie was made around the Laarven in all directions.


Winter sun Laarven with Ice
 Winter sun Laarven with ice


Laarven with ice in the sun
 Laarven with ice


Laarven with ice
 Laarven through branches


Ice on the Laarven
 Ice on the Laarven


Laarven with ice monochrome
 Laarven with ice monochrome


Trees in winter sunlight
 Trees in winter sunlight


Trees at Laarven monochrome
 Trees at Laarven monochrome


 Trees at Laarven
 Trees at Laarven


 Sun reflection on ice


  Sun reflection on ice

(See next page)


 Reflections on Ice Laarven
 Reflections on Ice Laarven


 Reflection of sun on ice Laarven
Reflection of sun on ice Laarven


 Reed and ice at Laarven
Reed and ice at Laarven


 Ice structure
Ice structure


 Ice on Laarven through shrubs
Ice on Laarven through shrubs

 Sunbeams on ice
Sunbeams on ice

 Tree in water with ice
Tree in water with ice


 Tree stump at Laarven
Tree stump at Laarven


 Laarven with ice
Laarven with ice and trees


 Laarven with ice
Laarven with ice



