Installatie van Joomla 3.0
- Details
- Hoofdcategorie: ROOT
- Categorie: Joomla Items - NL
- Gepubliceerd: zaterdag 21 februari 2015 18:31
- Hits: 2955
Installatie van Joomla! 3.0
Joomla! 3.0 voor de eerste keer installeren is vrij eenvoudig. Joomla's ingebouwde web installermaakt het erg makkelijk.
Voordat je kan beginnen moet je weten of de Hosting requirements kloppen.
Zowel voor een eigen server als voor een gedeelde hostservice provider zijn deze van toepassing.
Zie ook de videopresentatie van 3.0:
en de Live demo
Artikel op Johfrael MyWiki Joomla 3.0 Installatie
Hosting requirements
Software | Recommended | Minimum |
PHP (Magic Quotes GPC off) | 5.3.1 + | 5.3.1 + |
Supported Databases: | ||
MySQL1 (InnoDB support required) | 5.1 + | 5.1 + |
MSSQL | 10.50.1600.1 + | 10.50.1600.1 + |
PostgreSQL | 8.3.18 + | 8.3.18 + |
Supported Web Servers: | ||
Apache(with mod_mysql, mod_xml, and mod_zlib)1 2 | 2.x+ | 2.x+ |
Nginx | 1.1 | 1.0 |
Microsoft IIS | 7 | 7 |
- Joomla is nog niet compatible met MySQL 6.x
- Om SEF URLs te kunnen gebruiken moet de Apache mod_rewrite extension geïnstalleerd worden
- De mod_suphp extensie of mod_fcgid extensie wordt aanbevolen om Joomla upload en execute files met secure file permissies te kunnen gebruiken
Joomla! Packes files dowloaden en uploaden
- Download de huidige reslease van Joomla3.0.x
- Maak een database voor joomla! Er is basis database informatie nodig als de werkelijke Joomla! installatie gestart is
- locatie database, localhost? Of een specifieke host server.
- De database naam
- De database gebruikers naam (user name)
- De database gebruikers wachtwoord (user password) - Verplaats de gedownloade Joomla! Installatie package naar de server. Gebruik een FTP client om joomla! 3.0 files te uploaden naar de root van de server. (bijvoorbeeld Filezilla of Bitvise).
Hoofd configuratie
Indien aan de eerder genoemde requirements wordt voldaan, een database aangemaakt en de benodigde Joomla! files o de juiste plaats. Kan de Joomla! web installer gestart worden door je website url / domeinnaam in een browser in te geven.
Joomla! zal automatisch de taal identificeren met het 'Select Language' veld, je kan dit desgewenst wijzigen.
Vul de volgende informatie in:
- Site Name: The name of your website — this can be changed at any point later in the Site Global Configuration page.
- Description: Enter a description of the website. This is a the global fallback meta description used on every page which will be used by search engines. Generally, a maximum of 20 to 25 words is optimal. Again, this can be changed on the Site Global Configuration page at any time. For more on metadata, see Global Metadata Settings and Entering search engine meta-data.
- Admin Email Address: The admin email address. Enter a valid email in case you forget your password. This is the email address where you'll receive a link to change the admin password.
- Admin Username: Joomla! uses a default "admin" as the username for the Super User. You can leave it as is, change it now(which a good Security measure) or use My Profile in the Administration interface to change it later.
- Admin Password: Remember that super user has maximum control of the site (frontend & backend), so try to use a difficult password. Use My Profile in the Administration interface to change it later. Confirm the password in the Confirm Admin Password box.
- Site Offline: Click the Yes or No box. Yes - this means when installation is complete, your Joomla! website will display the 'Site is offline message' when you browse to to view the home page. No - this means the site is live when you browse to to view the home page. You can use the Site Global Configuration in the Administration interface to change the Offline status at any time.
When everything on the first page is completed, click the next button to proceed:
Database Configuration
You will need the information about the database which was suggested above to note.
For simplification, these intructions are a reference to installing with a MySQLi database. The instructions on the installation page are self explanatory, but here they are again:
- Database Type: MySQLi is the common database used
- Hostname: Where is your database located? Common is localhost, but some hosts use a specific database server such as
- Username: The username used to connect to the database
- Password: The password for the database's username
- Database Name: The name of the database
- Table Prefix: One is generated automatically, but you can change it. For example, jos3_ can be used. Just don't forget to put the underscore character(_) at the end of the prefix.
- Old Database Process: Should the installer backup or delete existing tables during the installation of new tables? Click, Yes or No to select the choice.
All these choices can be edited on the Site Global Configuration page, under Server options after the installation is completed. Note, you will break your installation if you change these settings after installation unless you have a complete copy of the current database being used by the Joomla! installation. Common uses would be to update the username and password of the database or to complete a move of an existing installation to a new host with different parameters.
When all the information has been filled in, click the next button to proceed:
It is now time to finalise the Joomla! installation. The last page of the web brower installation contains all the information about the installation. This includes the options(at the top) for installing sample data and the installation's configurations(at the bottom).
Install Sample Data and Email Configurations
The first options are for automatically installing sample content to the website and emailing the configuration settings.
Checking Your Configurations
If everything is in order, you will see the install at the top of the overview page. If not, this is the place to check and see what may be causing an issue.
Success and Finishing Up the Installation
Congratulations! Joomla! 3 is now installed, but there is one last step to complete the installation and start using your Joomla! powered site. You must delete the Installation Folder. Click on Remove Installation folder and a success message will appear. Now you can navigate to the Administrator log in by clicking Administrator or go right to your site by clicking Site.